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      “Together We Are Strong” was the theme of a conference held On December 5, 2019 in Kabul, bringing together more than 50 young leaders from 10 provinces for discussions and exchange with the aim… TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG

    Ahmad Wali Karimi

      Ahmad Wali Karimi, a young leader of Mazar-e-Sharif, explains how he has become more active in his community: ‘I initially came to the public library in Mazar to study, but heard music from a container… Ahmad Wali Karimi

      Education for All

        Wahida, Siwa, Emranullah and Aziz are the young leaders of the Laghman socio-cultural container. They designed a community project titled “Education for all” to promote literacy and education in targeted villages of Laghman province. Afghanistan’s… Education for All

        Door to Door for Empathy

          “Door to Door for Empathy” is a community project designed and implemented by Abbas, Shukria, Amena and Farzad, four young leaders of IPSO’s socio-cultural container, through which they primarily strived to raise awareness about the… Door to Door for Empathy