Being a refugee for one moment
Sayed Jawid never had been a refugee and never had to live in a small tent. “I always lived with my family in a large and relatively good house. But today I went into such… Being a refugee for one moment
Sayed Jawid never had been a refugee and never had to live in a small tent. “I always lived with my family in a large and relatively good house. But today I went into such… Being a refugee for one moment
Every time I go to crowded areas of Kabul, I see many small children, teenagers and women who are begging. A major number of these are from returnees’ families who were forced to leave their… In the Refugees Camp, The first Observations
Food is the substance providing nutritional support for the body but it also portrays cultural symbols which contribute in building the collective consensus and unique identity for every society. Often food communicates a special meaning… Samanu, the Traditional Dish of Happy Moments
Every year in Nawruz , people celebrate the new Solar year in Afghanistan, Iran, in the Caucasus region, in Balkan and Central Asian countries. Recently it is going worldwide and March 21 is now announced… Haft Mewa and Haft Seen, Nawruz Traditions in Afghanistan